Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The importance of internal linking

To many people when it comes to Search Engine Optimization, internal links never cross their minds. Their link building efforts are driven towards getting as many external links as possible. If they ever do internal linking it is for the sake of increasing users ease of site navigation or just trying to reduce bounce rate by giving their readers more to choose from.

Have you ever wondered why some sites like the Wikipedia or Amazon seem to top the Search results all the time? I am sure you are thinking it is because they get lots of links everyday. That is partly true. However so do many other sites. The major factor that gives this sites dominance is  internal linking. Though they don't do it for SEO, it still works for them. You might try doing it too, look for other posts and pages you can link to in ever post you write. I always do that and I have seen a very major improvement in my search engine rankings.

The other day I talked about how anchor text is very important in Search Engine Optimization. The choice of words other sites use when linking to you will matter very much in SEO. You may not influence the words somebody will use when linking to you but you can do that with inbound links. If you want a certain page to rank highly for a certain keyword, use it when linking to them.

Sometimes most traffic comes to your homepage. You might want to distribute it among your other pages. You don't want users to bounce away to some other site after reading the single post in your blog home page. You can drive traffic to deeper pages in your blog with inbound links. This not only makes your site user friendly, it keeps your readers on your site for longer.

Any serious webmaster out there will definitely consider internal linking. It greatly improves your site and also goes a long way in improving your sites ranking in the search engine organic results.

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